
Although the advertising industry is not the most ecological, at Lanyards Group, we change this trend and offer products that will have more than one life. ECO is a category where you will find ecological products, manufactured with a view to protecting the environment and thus minimizing the negative impact of our activities on the planet. Usually made of ecosystem-friendly or recycled materials, they will be a good way to promote a sustainable lifestyle and increase environmental awareness among people.


Showing 1–12 of 54 results

Showing 1–12 of 54 results

Ecological Gifts For Your Company

Ecological gadgets for companies are products intended to be given to clients, business partners or employees. The choice of specific products as gifts should be tailored to the company’s value and goals, as well as the preferences of recipients. More and more people are searching for products and services from companies that share their values and care for the environment. Therefore, pro-ecological gifts will certainly bring considerable image benefits. Undoubtedly, a company that cares about nature will be very positive perceived by consumers and public opinion. Presenting advertising items made of secondary raw materials at the fair can attract the attention of such customers and build greater trust.

PET organic bands, paper leashes, — organic cotton shopping bags are not limited.

Gadgets from Renewable Materials

Renewable material gadgets are products made of raw materials, produced or regenerated sustainably, with minimal environmental impact. These materials often come from plant biomass such as wood, organic cotton, cork, bamboo, recycled paper, glass or bioplastic. Gifts made from renewable raw materials convey positive associations with the company or brand. Undoubtedly, pro-ecological activities build a favourable image of the brand as responsible and caring for nature.

By choosing accessories from renewable materials, you will show your commitment and contribute to environmental protection.

Advertising Items from Recycling

Advertising items made of secondary raw materials are those obtained from processed materials such as paper, plastic, metal, or glass. As a result, the use of such materials helps reduce waste and reduce environmental impact.

Recycled gifts are a great way to show your commitment to environmental protection and promote a sustainable lifestyle. Undoubtedly, by selecting gadgets from recycling, you reduce the negative impact on the surrounding world.

Calendars, 100% recycled cups, or clothing fully made of recycled cotton are just some proposals prepared by the Lanyards Group.

To sum up, leashes, bands, clothing, office supplies printed with the company logo are a great way to promote ideas related to environmental protection and to increase customer loyalty. Don’t waste it, buy it wisely!

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